Talks To Sacred Stones

Cuddly Crystals

Cuddly Crystals

To view this video click directly on the play button in the lower left corner.  If you click in the periphery you will be taken to Instagram. This is a...

Cuddly Crystals

To view this video click directly on the play button in the lower left corner.  If you click in the periphery you will be taken to Instagram. This is a...

UPDATED 10/16/23 Blue Tara and Black Tara- Peace, Protection, and Weaving The Golden Fleece

UPDATED 10/16/23 Blue Tara and Black Tara- Peac...

Lab testing and metaphysical Properties of Blue and Black Tara


UPDATED 10/16/23 Blue Tara and Black Tara- Peac...

Lab testing and metaphysical Properties of Blue and Black Tara

Starbraries-Part Three-Guest Blog Post

Starbraries-Part Three-Guest Blog Post

 Topaz Spirits-- Guest Blog Post  This is part three of a series of articles written by Jan Haerer of Topaz Spirits and re-printed here with her permission (You can read part two here)...

Starbraries-Part Three-Guest Blog Post

 Topaz Spirits-- Guest Blog Post  This is part three of a series of articles written by Jan Haerer of Topaz Spirits and re-printed here with her permission (You can read part two here)...

Starbraries-Part Two-Guest Blog Post

Starbraries-Part Two-Guest Blog Post

   Topaz Spirits-- Guest Blog Post  This is part two of a series of articles written by Jan Haerer of Topaz Spirits and re-printed here with her permission (You can read part...

Starbraries-Part Two-Guest Blog Post

   Topaz Spirits-- Guest Blog Post  This is part two of a series of articles written by Jan Haerer of Topaz Spirits and re-printed here with her permission (You can read part...

Starbraries- Part One-Guest Blog Post

Starbraries- Part One-Guest Blog Post

 Topaz Spirits-- Guest Blog Post  I am so happy to bring you this series of articles written by Jan Haerer of Topaz Spirits and re-printed here with her permission. Jan...


Starbraries- Part One-Guest Blog Post

 Topaz Spirits-- Guest Blog Post  I am so happy to bring you this series of articles written by Jan Haerer of Topaz Spirits and re-printed here with her permission. Jan...

The New Lemurians-Unities, Dreamcoats, and Coras-UPDATED

The New Lemurians-Unities, Dreamcoats, and Cora...

All about the new Lemurians and the evolution of the pocket as they were mined. The history and properties of Unities, Dreamcoats, Coras, and much more is revealed in this...

The New Lemurians-Unities, Dreamcoats, and Cora...

All about the new Lemurians and the evolution of the pocket as they were mined. The history and properties of Unities, Dreamcoats, Coras, and much more is revealed in this...