Large Leilani Lemurians-Video Sale
Large Leilani Lemurians-Video Sale
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This video was a special showing, the requester has chosen B 437, D 379, and U 565. They are not listed for purchase and they are labeled in the chapters as unavailable.
The Leilanis are back! First offered in 2020, these gorgeous cathedral Lemurian lasers from Diamantina, MG, Brazil, have beautiful mica"flowers" and imprints on the surface, and they sing like the angels. They have a special affinity for plants, and plants seem to grow and flourish rapidly in their presence.
This collection is all larger pieces over $300 . To view smaller pieces please see this video sale. These videos show every piece available, I do not have any more. I hope you find your special beauty waiting for you.
This item is part of a collection that can be seen in detail on the videos.
Part 1
Part 2
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