Maestro Video Sale #1
Maestro Video Sale #1
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This is a special showing video sale, the items T and U were chosen by the requester and are not listed.
The Maestros are a hybrid of The Watcher Lemurians and original Alta from Cristalina,Goiás, Brazil that surfaced in January 2023. The Watchers were discovered in a sand mine in 2016 and that location is now permanently underwater and has been turned into a beautiful nature park (very befitting, considering Altas love of water). The small pocket of original Alta, discovered in 2019, was found off to the side of this same mine.
The Maestros are as close as you will get to The Watchers and original Alta, with the exception of the small Alta points the are still available in the shop.
I offered The Maestros for the first time in February 2023, and while I still have small points available for gridding, the collection was small and rare and sold out quickly. It took a lot of dedication from many people to find this collection that had been squirreled away! I am so happy to be able to make them available again.
Alta is an energy, and carries a specific and unmistakeable signature. We lovingly call this "Altaness" , and believe me, you will know it when you experience it! It ramps up synchronicities to an incredible level. Just as Lemurians carry a specific signature, Alta has their own entirely unique way in the world. Since Altas' original release in 2019 and subsequent uploading to Fascia Jasper in 2022, Alta has infused itself into other new finds via the same type of energetic mycelial /fascial network that Fascia Jasper has shown us. We now have Alta from several locations beyond the original find in Cristalina--The Alta Illuminators, White Swans, Black Swans, Altara, and a few other very interesting hybrids. You can learn about White Swan and Black Swan Alta in my latest blog , and see other recent variations such as the Alta Illuminators and Altara in current video sales. The pairings and trinities that have come to light are a testament to the balanced momentum of this energy and its perfect mirroring of the co-creative relationships that form in nature.
To complete your collection, can purchase the actual sand the Watchers and Alta were born in here. It is wonderful for charging all crystals, but especially this particular family. Like being back in the womb for them.
Note: If you have been following the story of Alta you may recall that The Maestros are at the Apex of the second Alta Trinity grid with the Alta Iluminators and Fascia Jasper at the base. The entire grid has the overlighting presence of The Wayshowers (affectionately know as the torches). All these elements are from Bahia, and I plan to release all the grid components as well as the art work again in the future, so they will be available permanently here in the shop until the collection is sold out.
This item is part of a collection that can be seen in detail on the video.