Crystals That Make Your Heart Sing!
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Talks To Sacred Stones

Guest Blog Post-How To Make A Reiki Grid

crystal grid grid template reiki seed of life

Guest Blog Post-How To Make A Reiki Grid

This is the second article in a series of guest posts by Stacie Coller. You can read the first one, "Crystal Stone Grids: What's the Point?" here. How to Make A Reiki Grid Reiki Grids are a set of 7 same type stones that are arranged in a Star of David pattern with a center stone.  Photo credit Christopher Lee Matthews and Stacie Coller This is the most basic of all Flower of Life/Seed of Life grid configurations.  It is a good choice when you want to significantly amplify the proactive healing energies of a single rock vibration.  It is easily upgraded...

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Guest Blog Post-Crystal Stone Grids: What’s the Point?

crystal grids grid template gridding medicine bag sacred geometry

Guest Blog Post-Crystal Stone Grids: What’s the Point?

My good friend Stacie Coller has graciously given her permission to re-post her blogs on crystal gridding. Stacie's work has been my primary inspiration from the very start, and I am thrilled to share it here is in its original form, straight from the source.  In my opinion, Stacie is the queen of crystal grids; it was she who pioneered the practice ( in the 1990's!) of gridding on a seed of life template with radial lines added. Stacie is the retail manager at Enter The Earth in Asheville, NC, and the author of "Awake in Angelscape" currently going into its second printing. Her instagram...

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Updated-Pink Amethyst and Judy' s Jasper (Bahia Jasper)

Bahia jasper eye of the storm judys jasper metaphysical metaphysical properties pink amethyst Rio Grande Do Sul update

Updated-Pink Amethyst and Judy' s Jasper (Bahia Jasper)

A Little Background Updated December 2022-If you have purchased either Pink Amethyst or Judy's Jasper (also commonly known as Bahia Jasper and Eye of the Storm) from me in the past you may remember that I originally listed the mine location on your invoice as Bahia, Brazil. This was based on the original information given to my supplier by his supplier at that time, and is still the commonly accepted information on the internet regarding this material. However........ After many conversations and growing curiosity around this material's location, my suppliers fantastic detective work eventually revealed that the mine for Pink Amethyst and Judy's Jasper (as well as...

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The Lemurian Rose-Guiding Principles and Values

collaboration earth friendly eco friendly ethics exclusive finds fair trade good science integrity midwifing principles values

The Lemurian Rose-Guiding Principles and Values

I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the ethics and practices of The Lemurian Rose. While I talk about these things quite a bit in live sales, etc., I feel it is important to have a written statement of the practices that are near and dear to my heart and that this shop lives by every day. Thank you in advance for reading! Sourcing Crystals I do my very best to source only ethically mined and procured material, working either directly with miners or with a trusted supplier who has both a long term relationship with me and with the...

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Golden Carambola Calcite

Golden Carambola Calcite

Golden Carambola Calcite is a small one time find that was discovered in mid 2021 in a granite mine in Curvelo, Minas Gerais, Brazil.  The first crystals to come out of this find were extremely high quality clear quartz clusters included with chlorite, and a few with pyrite as well.  Some had calcite inclusions, which  fluoresced bright orange under short wave UV lighting. It was not known that quartz crystals existed in this region, and it was very unusual for anything to be found intact at all, since this was a granite mine and it was worked by blasting. Even more...

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