A Little Background
I originally found the Unities in August of 2019 and was immediately enchanted with them. I made the purchase and invited another shop to split this find with me and during the time we cooperated on this project we followed the pocket for an entire year, committing to all the material that came out. During that time we made a significant contribution to the body of knowledge for these very special crystals, and Dreamcoat Lemurian has become a household word! What a journey this has been.
The Unity Lemurians were the first material to come out of this pocket. They were followed by the Golden Dreamcoats and then Cora, and finally the Red Dreamcoats. A few years later the Firefox Lemurians appeared nearby, and once again I was honored to be the first to bring a new find out into the world. (I wrote a blog on The Firefoxes when I originally purchased the first find, and then a second blog after I had some time to meditate with them and explore their metaphysical properties).
Important Point: ALL of the above are versions of a Dreamcoat Lemurian except Cora, who by definition has no jacket and is the "core" of a Dreamcoat. I received the name Dreamcoat even before the Unities arrived ---they kept dropping the title of the musical "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" in my head! Since all Dreamcoats have multicolored layered bands that make up the exterior covering it was a good fit and it stuck. Even though we did not use that name initially, we both received it independently which was great confirmation when the rest of the Dreamcoats eventually surfaced and we began to understand what was going on as the pocket evolved.
What Started it all: The Unity Lemurians
The original find of the Unity Lemurians was near a waterfall on the outskirts of Cristalina, in the state of Goiás, Brazil. We secured run one and run two from this location, and then it was closed to mining and turned into a soybean farm.
After that time, we gained access to another location nearby, and basically entered the same pocket from a different vantage point. This is when we started seeing interesting differences showing up, and eventually discovered that the Unities were a very specialized form of Dreamcoat Lemurian. While there is some overlap of properties and many hybrids between Unities and regular Golden Dreamcoats, there are a some very distinctive features that set the Unities apart.
Unities are always small (3" maximum) and usually frosty--I would say about 85% are frosted. The overall shape is typically long and slender. They are always a golden color and typically have an elestialated or an empathic tip due to the growth pattern of the jacket and covering of amethyst at the top of the crystal. Isis faces and phantoms are common features, and most have at least a small amount of druse. Many times the jacket does not meet in the back and the inner Lemurian crystal with starbrary is clearly visible. More rarely, an amethyst tipped drusy "zipper " is in place, which covers the gap in the jacket so the crystal is completely enclosed. This zipper can be full or partial.
I had both the Unities and Dreamcoats lab tested and the golden color of the Unities is caused primarily by goethite with minor hematite. This differs from other Dreamcoats, whose coloring is caused primarily by hematite. When I put a group in the tumbler the difference became very obvious and It was easy to see the difference between the small Dreamcoats and the Unities. The goethite permeates the entire crystal of a Unity fairly evenly, and when polished the Unities glow like little golden bees. This was a valuable discovery because sometimes identification can be challenging since there are many hybrids.
Here is the paraphrased lab report summary on the Unities: The warm golden color is caused by inclusions of goethite just below the surface of the crystal. No staining was found on the surface. Along earlier growth surfaces, hematite and druzy quartz was noted.
Metaphysical Properties of the Unity Lemurians
I spent a lot of time working with the Unities and the Dreamcoats, and there are some distinct differences in their energies. The name Unity was agreed upon because they are a unified trinity of energies. The amethyst tip resonates with the crown chakra, the golden body with the solar plexus , and the inner Lemurian radiates a balancing and unifying white light. Unity Lemurians are fantastic manifestation crystals due to the balance and alignment between the solar plexus (personal will) and the crown chakra (higher self). They are the worker bees, not warm and fuzzy, and not very chatty. They are focused on matters at hand and are always happy to help!
Phase Two: The Dreamcoats
After we lost access to the first location, the second location started yielding small and then progressively much larger crystals. We saw some Unities, coming out, but things were definitely changing. At first we thought we had stumbled upon humongous Unities and we were very excited! But the energies were different, and while some of the early crystals had extremely beautiful "coats" , many were not Lemurian in their core. We came to call these Dreamcoat Sacred Seven. There were only a few of these before the crystals started coming out with Lemurian cores again, and they are an important part of the history of this pocket.
The next two mine runs from his location yielded progressively larger and larger crystals, with very beautiful golden jackets and purple tops, all with Lemurian cores. We stared seeing more colorful layers in the jackets, and many were showing a beautiful orange blush over the gold.The overall shape was typically more chonky. They all tended to be lustrous, much more shiny than their frosty Unity cousins. Druse was common, as well as open backs and at least partial zippers. They had a more complete closure at the tip, most were in perfect condition.
Metaphysically, Dreamcoat Lemurians will work with you at your own pace, like peeling back layers of the onion. They will help you to see your blocks, and offer the path of least resistance to help you achieve forward motion. They are wonderful companions to the Unities and can help open the way to the greater alignment the Unities offer by gently drawing us out of stagnation or "stuckness" with no drama and no trauma. Layer by layer, they will guide the way.
Lab report summary for the Dreamcoat Lemurians: Inclusions of chlorite group minerals present. On the surface is a material which is essentially laterite, an iron aluminum oxy-hydroxide (Laterite is a soil and rock type rich in iron and aluminium and is commonly considered to have formed in hot and wet tropical areas). Remarkably interesting are inclusions of tiny quartz crystals with a little hematite staining here and there. They formed when the crystal was smaller than it was when growth was finished. Something interesting grew on the surfaces of those tiny quartz crystals-- little sprays of yellow to reddish rutile crystals! Subsequently, the main crystal continued growth and engulfed those over grown crystals.
The Cora Lemurians are such wonderful little firecrackers! They are named as the core of the Unities and the Golden Dreamcoats. Typically they have white phantoms and a red/orange inclusion that looks like a little flame which can be very pronounced or quite subtle. They are not large, and can be citrine or clear.
Personally I believe they are little baby dragons and closely related to the magnificent (and mimed out) Old Red Dragon Dreamcoat Lemurians that surfaced at the end of our journey with this pocket. They are also related to The Snow Rose Lemurians (a blog for another time) -- a cousin of sorts even though the Snow Roses are not true Dreamcoats.
Metaphysically Cora is a cheerleader and a fresh fiery energy. She is untempered and unrestricted by a jacket--she happily frolics naked and free. For me the perfect metaphor for Cora is the little baby Salamander named Bruni in the movie Frozen II. If you have seen him you know exactly what I mean :)
In Summary
Eventually we released these crystals to the open market and went our separate ways. Production became very high and our work was done. The crystals had been carefully researched and mindfully introduced and they took the crystal community by storm! After that they began popping up everywhere, in many more locations around Cristalina. They are definitely a crystal whose time has come and thankfully they are readily available for all.
However, here are no more Unity Lemurians beyond what we have. After the first few mine runs we only found an average of ONE Unity Lemurian for each ten pounds of Dreamcoats. We both have a lifetime supply of old stock mine run, and periodically sort through it and release the best of the best.
I hope you enjoyed this recap! That's enough for now, but one of these days I will add the information for the wonderful Old Red Dragons that waited for us at the end of this pocket. The Red Dreamcoats that are coming out now are nothing like the originals, and we bought them all. They were the grande finale to a great adventure.