Topaz Spirits-- Guest Blog Post
This is part three of a series of articles written by Jan Haerer of Topaz Spirits and re-printed here with her permission (You can read part two here) Jan has extensive experience with many varieties of Starbraries and her work has been my go-to reference as I have been finding my own way with these crystals. Her channelings and philosophy resonates with me, and has provided me with a great springboard for further exploration.
Her articles are in depth and so I am dividing them into segments and I will publish them as a series with identifying tags to make it easier to locate specific information using the search function. I have put certain key words in bold face type to make them easier to spot for quick reference, but other than that this material is exactly as she wrote it. I hope you enjoy!
It has taken quite a bit to compile but here are fourteen that I've identified, two more than double the number that I first wrote about in 2003. Each of the starbraries will link you to a Dropbox folder of pictures that will show a good deal of the variety in the crystals and I will add photos as I find excellent examples to add. Note that like human handwriting, there are variations depending on the writer so there will never be an exact match. There are a few complications as some of the starbraries are overwritten or contain multiple languages. Dissolution quartz generally hold many starbrary glyphs but they are usually distorted. Growth interference, likewise, distorts the language as does chlorite erosion. Trust your instincts about what you see and feel and you will generally be right on.
The following constellations have given rise to Star Peoples who have visited Earth. Note that constellations measure light years in size and host many star systems that are capable of supporting life as we know it as well as many which may have hosted life similar to the planet Mars in our system. Star Peoples have been visiting Earth for millennia, even before the emergence of humankind, and what we are seeing is ancient record. It is ours to decipher and relish in the knowledge. As a note - the "trait" assigned each Star race in not representative of all those who occupied the ship, but rather are the traits of those who encoded the crystals. The descriptions are fairly generic and each starbrary Keeper will gather more information from starbraries they have in their working group, thus augmenting the knowledge about the Star Peoples.
Andromeda glyphs are like layered barcodes, rather geometric and very tactile. Typically these are seen in Bolivian amethyst and Russian quartz, but can be found in any location.
The Andromedans had a vast knowledge of healing and inscribed many crystals with this knowledge. Unfortunately many of the herbs mentioned do not grown on Earth but many of the techniques for healing (these do not require surgeries or heavy-duty drugs) are being discovered by researchers today.
The Cassiopeian glyphs are flowing shooting circles, meteor storms, maps, mountains and more. They are rich with detail and vary considerably from crystal to crystal.
Of all of the Star Peoples, they were the ones that chronicled their journeys and left records of the places they have been. They sought out life throughout the galaxies and left messages wherever they traveled. If you use these records for scrying, you will begin to see their journeys and understand what is out there in the Universe.
Coronus glyphs are somewhat varied, but generally are roundish and a bit like paramecium. These are read by beginning in the center and traveling outward, interpreting what is present in the other glyphs accompanying them.
The Coronus peoples dreamed ... and considered in the manner of our current day Navajo where they imagine the "seventh generation" ... they dreamed about what would happen to future generations if they initiated something. If you were a Star Trek fan, this was the famous "non-interference" regulation. But to the Coronus, they considered heavily what and interaction would cause. So like a circle, it begins as a point and expands as it grows just as a change does within each successive generation!
The Cygnus glyphs are sort of etched bar codes although there is cross-hatching and they are somewhat geometric. They are unlike any other Star People's glyphs ... and I have only ever found them among certain Brazilian citrines.
The Cygnus peoples wandered the galaxies - they were curious to be sure, but seemed to have no goal in mind throughout their travels. It seemed to be a need only to see what was out there and then leave a few messages as if to say "we were here" ... they wandered because they dreamed, perhaps of finding another civilization such as theirs.
These were found quite by accident in a lot of partially polished Brazilian quartz. It is interesting as the glyphs look a bit like Cassiopeia and a bit like Ursa Minor but the glyphs are raised, curved and more tactile. This is consistent with the "Originals" role since the Draconians traveled the universe and likely seeded many other cultures, including Earth.
The Draconian influence is evident all the cultures they touched and it isn't the "reign of terror" you might expect from the name. Think more like the Greek, "Plato", as opposed to the Greek, "Draco". Unlike the Earthly definition of "Draconian", these were a gentle people. They introduced law and order but in a rather generic law sense ... like the Golden Rule of doing onto others what you would have them do to you.
Hydrus glyphs are generally raised and sweeping, very tactile making them rather easy to read. And unlike the other starbrary glyphs, these can actually be quite large.
These were people who integrated with the Earth peoples and sought to find a balance among the peoples. This was always their role - to make compromise, to find the middle ground, to create the best possible scenario. They did not use force, but rather their honed negotiation skills to be passed on and taught to humankind.
Leo glyphs are very linear and geometric ... a bit like bar codes but diagonal as a leading edge to other more flowing glyphs. These are relatively rare but can be found on quartz from many locations.
The Leo peoples rarely interacted as they observed and noted what they found. They are like archeologists, meticulously cataloging what they discovered, like an intergalactic history book. This information may have been used at a later date when interactions with humans were deemed appropriate.
These are very rare starbraries and I've only found them among Brazilian quartz. The glyphs are an assortment of lines in specific orientations... kind of a cross between Lemurian lines and strange barcodes.
The Lyran peoples were leaders and guides, rather like trail-blazers or trackers. Often they paired with others to either lead them to a specific planet/colony or to find a specific planet/colony, rather like the old-fashioned "trail guide".
Orion glyphs occasionally are on the sides but more usually, they appear on the faces of "titanium gas phantoms" and are often referred to as "Sacred Sigils". They are very geometric and arranged in intricate patterns, underscored by the titanium wisps in the crystals.
These Star travelers were very telepathic and psychic. Their messages engraved in the quartz allow for the sensitive human to "tap into" Sigil messages as each is important to a specific Keeper at a specific time. The Orion peoples are often maligned, but in fact, they were curious, perceptive and observant ... and meant no harm.
Pegasi glyphs are similar to Pleiadian, but more ornate and sweeping. They are a new find and in looking through my pictures, they actually turned up very occasionally ten years ago. The language in these is very interesting.
The Pegasi peoples were gregarious and adventuresome. They roamed the galaxies searching for things and peoples that interested them. It is quite possible that they sold this information to others who may be searching for planets to seed/occupy or for elements and materials they needed.
Wavy, curvy writing is characteristic of the Pleiadians, often with what I call holographic because of the way they can only be visualized by catching them with the light although the writing does not project like a true hologram would.
Pleiadians were perhaps the most active on Earth and were said to spawn the Lemurian civilization. Before a giant tsunami wiped out Lemuria, Lemurians were sent all over Earth to "seed" Lemurian/Pleiadian culture so that it's gentle and peaceful guiding principles would be available to all earthly peoples. The Pleiadians brought philosophy, ethics, art and many other wondrous things to Lemuria.
Sirius starbrary glyphs are sweeping and sometimes sculpted and curvy. Often, they are quite tangible and are fascinating and do resemble the Pleiadian glyphs somewhat. They are frequently within secondary growth on the crystals suggesting that they were added on perhaps over other glyphs.
Sirius peoples were very interesting and it is conjectured that their major interactions were with the Egyptians. There is similarity in Egyptian writings and the many depictions on the walls of Egyptian temples suggest a vast amount of experimentalism. The Sirius peoples may have made possible the technological advancement initiated during the Egyptian era.
These are sometimes called "comet quartz" or meteor quartz". The Ursa Minor glyphs are like a meteor storm, sometimes right to left and other times, left to right. The glyphs each contain thought packets detailing the ideas from this star system. Some are musings, others are inventions and others still are inspirations. When decoded, there is a wealth of data spawned by everything from science to literature to everyday living.
Ursa Minor travelers were thinkers ... their interest was in studying various civilizations and bringing the ideas back to their own. They would often live among each planetary peoples they discovered to select the best and most useful.
Virgo starbrary glyphs are those "read between the lines". The Lemurian lines on these starbraries are often undulating and tactile and in between those lines are intricate and minute starbrary glyphs best studied with a loupe.
The Virgo peoples were gentle and kind ... I call them the peace-makers because they spread these traits wherever they roamed. They had a gift of identifying discord and then resolving the differences. Their messages are very loving and encouraging to the developing peoples of Earth.
This newsletter will be continued in the next blog post. There is a wealth of information and pictures detailing many different glyphs, and I am looking forward to sharing the next segment with you!
Many Blessings,